Step 1:
Create a form
· Create a new
form or edit an existing one.
· Once your
form is ready copy the form shortcode and proceed to the Slider Revolution
· Your shortcode
should look something like this:
o [form id=”1” title= “contact us
Step 2:
Create a slider
· Create a new
slider or use an existing one.
· In the slide
editor > main background tab, select the Main/Background
Image radio button (should be default on a new slide) and
then the change image button. Upload a background image for your slider.
· Once you
have a background image, scroll down to the slider editor preview area. Select
the blue add layer button and select Text/Html. This is where you place the contact form shortcode.
· Now this is
a little tricky because you will not see your form in the preview to position
it. Save your slider and copy the shortcode.
· Create a new
page and place in your slider shortcode and hit publish or preview changes. You
should now see your form sitting nicely on top of your slider. Adjust the
position as necessary and test the form.