How to configure sound preference for notifications in Cliq?

How to configure sound preference for notifications in Cliq?

How to configure sound preference for notifications in Cliq?

To configure desktop notifications, do the following:
  1. Click your Contact image in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Profile & Settings from the user panel that appears.

  1. Select Notifications on the left sidebar of the screen that appears. and select Sound. Tick the boxes you want to receive sound notifications for.

Modify your alerts with different sounds in the dropdown list to customize your notification sounds. You can set sound notifications for -
  1. One - One Chats - Notifications will be heard when a cliq user sends you 1-1 messages.
  2. Mentions - Notifications will be heard when you are @mentioned.
  3. Group Chats & Channels - Notifications will be heard when you receive messages from group chats or channel.
  4. Bot Messages - Notifications will be heard when you receive messages from Bots.
  5. Audio & Video Calls (default notification sound) - Notifications will be heard when you receive an audio or video call.
  6. Screen Share (default notification sound) - Notifications will be heard when someone shares their screen with you.
  • You can configure to receive sound notifications even if you have turned off your desktop notifications in Cliq.
  • If you don't receive sound notifications after enabling them in Cliq, check your browser settings to see if notifications are enabled.
  • If you're attending an important meeting, click the sound icon in the top-left corner of the screen to turn off all sounds.

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